Monday 27 February 2012

Another busy week!

We have been busy trying out some new groups!
Firsly on Tuesday afternoon we attended a Soccer Stars session, which was a big hit with both boys and girls! It is a very structured session with lots of ball skills, a great way to get some exercise and take part in something new! We will be going back again tomorrow and the children are really looking forward to it.

On Wednesday we attended a Baby Moves session at the local health centre. The session consists of crafts, songs, dancing, musical instruments and a story, not forgetting that all important drink and fruit at the end! The children enjoyed having a boogie! 

We've also been collecting egg boxes this week, we are all ready to start growing our own potatoes next week. 

We are hoping to attend Music and Movement next week at the local surestart centre and also looking forward to celebrating World Book Day with lots of fun activities planned.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Oops I forgot!

Meant to write this post at the weekend and I forgot!
Another busy week here, we've been continuing on our topic of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, lots of nice craft activities and story times! Here are some of our caterpillars!

We've also been busy making butterflies to put on the window, and painting butterflies for the display board. We will be looking at life cycles of butterflies and caterpillars in the next few weeks too.

Our seed potatoes arrived this week so we are looking forward to getting the growing process started next week ready to plant out once the weather gets warmer! 

Monday 13 February 2012

Snowy week!

Well we had a busy week last week! The week started with snow (!) and ended with lots of ice and slippy paths on the way to and from school.

The children were really curious about the snow changing and melting then freezing again so we did lots of things to do with melting and freezing, included an experiment with ice cubes around the house to see which one would melt first (freezer, fridge, radiator, window ledge).

The children have been looking lots at shadows too the last few weeks, so we played at making shadow puppets using the torches and our hands, and included using some toys too to make bigger shadows on the wall!

Half term this week so another busy week coming up!

Monday 6 February 2012


Hello and welcome to Emma's Little Tots blog! The aim of this blog is to keep you all updated on what we have been doing each week, with pictures too (once i figure out what I'm doing), so please bare with me while I find my way around here....!