Monday 2 September 2013

First Day Back!

I hope you have all had a great summer holidays and are ready for the new school year?
First day back at Emma's Little Tots today after 6 weeks off, please be gentle on us!

Lots of exciting changes and new things coming up over the next few weeks. 

As you may already know, due to changes in children's attendance I am no longer able to offer a hot cooked tea each night but snacks are available for everyone when we get home from school. If there is anything your children particularly like at the moment let me know and I can add it to the food choices available!

We will be adding some new resources over the next month or so too. You may have noticed the large play kitchen has gone, and will be replaced with a smaller one soon now I have less little children trying to play with it all at once!

We are looking to add some older children resources too - again if there is anything your child really likes to do at the moment please let me know!

Our topic at the moment leading up to Halloween will be 'Around the World', if you have any items you think may be helpful and useful for this topic please bring them in. 

Contracts have all been amended and added to Baby's Days now,  please do make sure you have read through them and digitally signed them, along with the policies and permissions forms.

By the end of the month I am hoping to have questionnaires available for all families, again on the Baby's Days system. Feedback is important as it helps me to be able to tailor my services to individual families more effectively.

I really am going to try and use this blog more often (I know, I always say this and it never happens!) 


Wednesday 23 January 2013

And there is more snow again!

Once again Friday is forcasting heavy snow from mid afternoon, please let me know if you are running late.

 Just a reminder to make sure all the children have a set of spare clothes and have suitable outdoor clothes for the icy and snowy weather please!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Just a quick mid week update!

There is heavy snow forcast for Friday day time, I will be open as normal and will be able to collect early from school if required. Please take extra care on the roads and let me know if you are running late etc.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Here comes the snow!

I hope you have all survived your first week back at work of the new year? It was a chaotic one for us, but back on track for the rest of January now!

As I write this the snow is just starting to fall, it's very exciting! I really hope it sticks so we can get out and about this week doing all the snowy day activities I have planned for the children!

Just a quick update; I am hoping the new paper work system will go live for the start of the next half term. The weeks break should give me enough time to check for any issues, but I do think you will all like it. It means that you can log on throughout the day and access your own child's planning, daily diaries, photographs, and progress and add your own thoughts and comments. If you have any questions as always just get in touch.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

I must blog more often!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

I have to admit, I do forget to come on here and update you on what we have been doing. Things have been so busy here recently!

I hope you are all enjoying the festive period. It has been lovely to relax for a few days, although now I am back in work mode preparing for the children returning next week!

The lounge has finally been redecorated, and the kitchen finished, so all nice and fresh for the start of the new term. We just need the weather to pick up a bit now and I may finally get the time to get the garden sorted after last years wash out of a summer.

If things all go to plan (!) I will be updating on here once a week through the new term with photo's, news, and information, but I am sure that won't end up happening although the intention is there!